Meet the Team at Rosati Family Chiropractic

Rosati Family Chiropractic was founded in November of 2012. Prior to opening his office in Fanwood, Dr. Rosati spent 3 years developing a strong reputation on the Mainline in Pennsylvania as a soft tissue specialist. At the core of Dr. Rosati’s approach to chiropractic treatment is communication. It is imperative that the Doctor/Patient relationship be founded on an open line of communication to assist in the many obstacles that can inhibit patient recovery. For this reason, Dr. Rosati has found it also beneficial to work closely and communicate with PCP’s, Podiatrists, Orthopedic Specialists, Sports Medicine Physicians, Physical Therapists and Personal Trainers among others during the patients treatment process. Establishing these relationships, utilizing the most researched and proven chiropractic/manual therapy techniques in addition to customizing a gentle and unique treatment plan has helped foster a faster recovery and more reliable prognosis.

Chiropractor Garett Rosati D.C.

Chiropractor Fanwood NJ Garett Rosati Meet Team PhotoDr. Garett Rosati was first introduced to chiropractic care at an early age, when he sustained an injury his senior spring in high school while playing lacrosse. His condition became so painful he was unable to run without spasm and instability. Following numerous tests he was finally diagnosed with a fracture in his lower spine. Pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication along with rest were prescribed, though neither did much to alleviate his symptoms. When nothing else seemed to work, he turned to his family's chiropractor for help. Chiropractic was the tool by which Dr. Rosati was given his pain free lifestyle back. It is this experience that fuels his passion for chiropractic.

10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
1:00pm - 4:00pm


10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
1:00pm - 4:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm


Rosati Family Chiropractic
346 South Avenue #4
Fanwood, NJ 07023
(908) 288-7682

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